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A guide to 360 marketing: All you need to know

A guide to 360 marketing

Have you given your marketing efforts a complete makeover? Maybe a trip around your sales circle is what you need to get a better perspective on your marketing strategy.

This is where 360 marketing comes into the picture. Does your business need a 360-degree marketing plan? We’ve listed the reasons you should keep an eye on when developing your business.

What is 360 marketing?

360 marketing refers to a marketing campaign that analyzes and engages customers at all possible touchpoints. A complete turn-around on marketing plans will enable organizations to maximize the full potential of attracting new customers in ways they haven’t explored.

With the help of this marketing campaign, businesses can leverage more information in addressing customers’ needs and concerns. All kinds of exploration in a customer’s journey will give you fresh insights into engaging and converting them into leads.

With 360 marketing campaigns, you can see the customer’s history of purchases and entire interactions. You can see the status of their orders and all brand interactions.

360 marketing is much more expansive than traditional marketing methods.

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Why do you need 360 marketing?

When you successfully execute a 360 marketing campaign, it can effectively convert your prospects into clients.

Here are the major reasons why your business needs 360 marketing:

Better brand positioning

A good brand positioning tells us how a specific brand stays in the minds of its buyers. It consists of several interactions of the customer with the brand, not just a single advertising campaign.

360 marketing will give you a wider perspective on how your brand interacts with your customers. If something goes wrong, you can reposition your brand and tailor your campaign to your client preferences.

Why do you need 360 marketing?

Rebranding strategy

A lot of changes and trends can happen in a snap in the marketing industry. In order to stay abreast of these changes, you should take rebranding as a great option for your business.

However, rebranding is undeniably challenging. A 360 marketing campaign can help you strategize your rebranding and give you the best-fitting approach.

Customer journey analysis 

Customer journey analysis provides a more thorough and comprehensive outline of your customers’ full experience with your brand. With 360 marketing, you can reconstruct your customer journey better and create content that’s more relatable and relevant for them.

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What do you need to create a 360 marketing plan?

Now that you have an idea of what 360 marketing is, here are the key digital marketing channels you need to establish this marketing campaign.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Over 70% of users are more inclined to click on the first five entries of search engine results. This demonstrates the importance of SEO.

If you’re not at the top of organic search engine results, your customers will have difficulty finding your business online. Big businesses, and most likely your competitors too, have already invested a lot in SEO content to optimize their websites.

Adding this to your 360 marketing offers tons of advantages. Since every person uses search engines almost daily, SEO can boost your online brand awareness, among other benefits.

What do you need to create a 360 marketing plan?

Pay-per-click (PPC)

Paid advertising is an effective marketing strategy for a small business. This includes setting up search advertising, display advertising, and social media ads and campaigns.

With the help of pay-per-click, your display campaign or search ad will be visible on websites, social platforms, and search engine results in no time. It’s easy to do and can directly target your audience.

Customer relationship management (CRM)

Maintaining a strong customer relationship management system should be a part of your 360 marketing campaign. It’s important to deliver what your clients need by knowing their history on an in-depth level.

Outbound email marketing

Up to this day, emails are still a very suitable medium of communication among your internal members and customers. It lets you stay in contact with your leads as you provide more personalized content that addresses their needs.

Inbound lead nurturing

Inbound lead nurturing is all about providing your clients with relevant, consistent content to guide them further down the sales funnel. With high-quality content, they will be converted into loyal customers.

Working in tandem with CRM, your content will resonate better with the target persona. It helps you gather their information and nurture client relationships with personalized emails.

What do you need to create a 360 marketing plan?

Content marketing

Content marketing is about creating consistent and relevant content that offers value to the customer. This strategy is one of the most diverse of the marketing channels.

Businesses have their content or marketing team create articles, videos, social media posts, and other types of multimedia content that drive traffic and engagement.

Social media posting

One of the best ways to elevate your social media engagement is to maximize the features of various platforms to communicate with your target audience.

By consistently engaging on these social media platforms, you can distribute relevant and much-needed content to your audience.

The friendliest platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram contain various demographics, such as age groups, professions, and the number of users. These are all essential factors in promoting your business at a low cost.

Exploring the 360 marketing journey

If you have a good grasp of your marketing history, you’ll see the growing power of online or digital marketing to fill up your sales funnel. 360 marketing can largely contribute to sales conversion.

Overall, 360 marketing gives you a complete tour of how to maximize all angles to amplify your marketing efforts to their full potential and communicate your brand message.

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Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.

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