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8 strong leadership skills you should develop in the workplace

Strong leaders help in shaping and improving a community, a team, and even a company.

Businesses can have managers on each team. However, they need effective leaders to help guide, provide purpose, and motivate the company to pursue its mission.

These leaders can be found in every member of the organization, from the executives and managers right to the employees.

Developing strong leadership qualities in the workplace is crucial for becoming effective leaders. Luckily, you can develop strong leadership skills, too! Find out how in this article.

What makes a strong leader

A strong leader makes a great difference in how a company operates in general.

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They help build strong, motivated teams that can accomplish projects and ensure that their functions are performed successfully.

An excellent leader shows effective leadership skills by inspiring and motivating others towards a shared goal.

Leadership development is crucial for growth, enabling leaders to adapt and lead effectively. Relationship building is vital, as leaders prioritize fostering positive relationships for collaboration and a supportive environment.

What’s more, they communicate well with their teammates and other members of the organization. They know how to reach out for any concerns, ideas, and feedback their team has and propose solutions to these.

An important trait of a strong leader is adaptability. No matter the situation, a strong leader knows how to adapt, solve problems, and be flexible in a changing workplace.

What makes a strong leader

Why strong leadership skills matter in each team member

Whether you’re starting your career or moving up the ladder, strong leadership skills can take you places.

Among the most important leadership qualities are effective communication, decision-making, and the ability to inspire and motivate others.

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Great leaders lead by example, demonstrate integrity, and show resilience in facing challenges.

These skills can help you get along with your team, initiate a project, and work with minimal supervision needed.

Further, no matter what their role in a company is, each member of a team should have developed leadership skills so they can:

  • Contribute ideas to improve a project
  • Communicate with their team for any feedback and concerns
  • Encourage and motivate their fellow teammates at work
  • Give their team a hand in a task when needed

Strong leadership skills to develop

Developing strong leadership skills is crucial to becoming a good leader with exceptional leadership qualities.

Any soft skill can be considered a strong leadership skill. The following are some of the most common skills you should develop to get noticed.

Effective decision-making

Firstly, strong leaders can decide quickly with the current information they have. Effective decision-making usually comes with time, experience, and expertise in the field.

It requires certain research, evaluation, problem-setting, and goal-setting aspects to come up with the outcome properly.

Strong leaders weigh in on what method or solution is best for a certain situation. However, they don’t decide and act hastily regardless of the result.

Rather, they consider their teammates, their customers, and even the company itself to determine whether the decision benefits them or not.

Good communication

Every member of the organization should learn how to properly and effectively communicate with each other.

Strong leaders, meanwhile, use effective communication to communicate with their employees about the company’s objectives and specific tasks.

They are required to master all forms of communication in certain ways. This includes one-on-one, full-staff conversations, and conflict management.

Leaders should also be able to communicate through certain channels, including calls, emails, chats, and social media. This is crucial especially when they started to handle remote teams.

Strong leadership skills to develop

Ability to manage workload

Whether as a leader or a teammate, you won’t have to take on too many tasks on your own, especially those that are beyond your ability.

Strong leaders can properly manage their team’s workload according to their skill sets and capacities.

They are comfortable aligning their team’s skills with the company’s goals and tracking their performance through online tools.

What’s more, they know how to prioritize tasks depending on their importance and follow timelines and schedules properly.


Trustworthiness usually comes with proper communication and reliance on employees and the executives of a company.

Employees should feel comfortable in reaching out to their team leaders about their questions and feedback on their workload.

Leaders, meanwhile, should exert their reliability and integrity on their teams to gain their trust.

Trustworthiness isn’t just practiced in team-building activities. Employees and leaders can practice showing their trustworthiness through the following:

  • Being able to apologize for their mistakes
  • Accepting accountability over their responsibilities
  • Following business ethics and company regulations
  • Valuing confidentiality over sensitive information
  • Presenting emotional intelligence in any situation
  • Practicing honesty and reliability
  • Lastly, standing up for what is right and just


Some problems and situations do not always have clear solutions at hand. With these instances, strong leaders unleash their creativity by thinking “out of the box.”

They don’t always choose the safe, conventional path when solving a certain issue.

They still get to weigh in on the information they currently have over what solutions worked and what didn’t in the past.

Needless to say, strong leaders are usually analytical, critical, and innovative in solving certain issues when needed.

Willingness to learn

Strong leaders admit that they don’t know everything. With this, they are willing to learn more about what they don’t know and use it when needed.

As a leader or employee, you should always be willing to learn whether about a new platform, system, or work style.

You can learn anything through either practice, experience, or formal training.

For instance, some employees and managers usually learn their way through the “monkey sees, monkey does” technique.


Most people might think of “Influence” negatively. However, strong leaders use their influence properly to persuade and motivate their employees.

Unlike other “influencers,” strong leaders persuade their employees by combining their logic, emotional intelligence, and cooperative skills when talking to them.

This helps them appeal more to their teams without confusing or discouraging them at their work.

Influence is also different from manipulation since the latter requires transparency and authenticity on the leader’s part.


Lastly, empathy is usually connected to the employee’s performance and motivation. By being empathetic, strong leaders can understand their teams’ situations, challenges, and capacities.

Empathy is one of the reasons a leader becomes effective at work. They show more inclusion by considering their employees and seeing how they can perform better.

As a result, they prevent having a negative work environment and harbor better relationships with their teams.

Strong leadership skills to develop

How you can build strong leadership skills

You don’t need to have a managerial position or be assigned to take charge to develop your leadership skills.

To build strong leadership skills, it is crucial to prioritize self-awareness, as understanding your strengths and areas for improvement is essential for effective leadership.

Additionally, honing excellent communication skills is paramount to conveying goals, motivating others, and fostering a positive team environment.

An effective leader listens actively, provides clear guidance, and communicates openly to cultivate trust and collaboration within the team.

Rather, you should develop your skills as early as possible by taking the following measures.

  • Take initiative. It’s best to take initiative in doing certain tasks when needed. Though, don’t forget to consider your abilities, skills, and capacity to avoid taking too much work.
  • Take leadership classes and seminars. A wide range of free and paid leadership courses are available online and in your locality. Find the course that you think will fit your preferred style.
  • Find resources on leadership. As mentioned, learning is possible beyond formal training and webinars. A lot of resources, including podcasts, books, and videos about leadership, are freely available online.
  • Find activities outside work. Volunteering and joining other activities outside work can be a great way to cultivate your leadership skills. Aside from this, you can find a mentor that can help you work on your abilities.

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About Derek Gallimore

Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.

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