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Outsourcing made easy

OA 258 Outsourcing made easy
OA 258 Outsourcing made easy

Growth to Freedom

Today I’m being interviewed on the Growth to Freedom podcast hosted by Dan Kuschell. I try and take advantage of any opportunity to spread the word about outsourcing and my opinions on outsourcing. You get a little bit of insight into my life, my business and of course my passion for outsourcing.


Growth to Freedom


Outsource Accelerator – Derek Gallimore

Easy outsourcing

Dan Kuschell: Clarity, capabilities, competence, action steps direction and simplicity. This is what you receive with growthtofreedom.com. Freedom is the new capital and we’re helping leaders, executives, business owners, and you transform your career, business life, and relationships. This is the growth of freedom shows. Now here is your host, Dan Kuschell.

Dan Kuschell: Welcome to growth to freedom, the show that brings you inspiration, transformation, and leadership or helping you connect the dots, see the blind spots and get unstuck. So you can go out and you can create more sales, great more leads create more profits More importantly, so you can have a bigger impact, a bigger reach, and a bigger contribution.

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Isn’t that what it’s all about? So thanks for making us part of your day. Let me ask you have you been in a place where you were like, man, I’d love to be able to grow and scale my business with less stress? You know, maybe your operations feel clunky? If you know what I mean? Or maybe your sales and marketing feel fragmented? Or maybe it feels like it’s hit a plateau? Or maybe you feel like it’s broken?

Well, what if you could go out and find a way find a solution, not just a band-aid but a permanent solution that could get you optimal results at less cost, not only of time and money, in other words, you bring in an expert it’s not a how question. It’s not a what question. It’s a who question. Today’s session.

Today’s interview is all about the who and then putting the who in place on the back end of your business. Our guest is expert Derek Gallimore. He’s a serial entrepreneur. He’s experienced the highs and lows maybe like you have been able to ride that roller coaster ride. He’s built multimillion-dollar property portfolios, he’s bootstrapped a $20 million business and he’s seen it come crumbling down.

Can you relate? I mean, at the end of the day, we all have ups and downs, right? He’s lived in five countries. He’s traveled through dozens of more, and he has cracked the code on outsourcing. Right? How would you like to have the ability to build a business with true stability and it could be operated anywhere in the world?

He’s been outsourcing since 2011 and believes that outsourcing is one of the most potent and transformational business tools you can use today, not just today. But in the future as well. It’s getting bigger and bigger and bigger. He founded Outsource Accelerator, which is the Alibaba of outsourcing it provides a gateway for you to connect with outsourcing partners to make it super simple. So Derek, welcome to the show, my friend. How are you?

Derek Gallimore: Hi, Dan. I’m incredible. Thank you so much for that introduction. I’ve amped up myself now.

Dan Kuschell: Awesome. And as you’re listening right now, you’re going to want to grab a pen, grab a piece of paper, jot down some notes because Derek’s got a wealth away at the end of the segment today we’ve got a special bonus we’re going to make available to you some incredible resource you’re not going to want to miss.

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I mean heck if you don’t want to learn how to do more with less stress and also how to outsource and do it right and get your labor for far less expensive. They may be your customer you ain’t no worries, no harm, no foul, but if you want to learn how to do that, you’re going to want to stick around if you want to come back to this episode, you can do that at growthtofreedom.com/232 that’s growthtofreedom/232.

If you never want to miss an episode, come back to growthtofreedom.com/subscribe. That’s growthtofreedom.com/subscribe. Now, before we dive into strategy, Derek, I love to get the context, you know from our experts like you. So why are you doing what you’re doing today? Why outsourcing?

Derek Gallimore: Yeah, absolutely. Thank you, Dan, I started outsourcing because I scratched I was scratching my itch, I built a multi-million dollar companies in service apartments or corporate housing. And very early on, I realized that I needed 24/7 customer service. And that just wasn’t attainable. In the West.

I was based in central London. And partly wages are very high. But also, you know, people in today’s world don’t want to work 24/7 anymore. So someone suggested that I came to the Philippines and explore outsourcing there. So in 2011, I got my first employee in the Philippines. And then within about four years, I built that team to about 80 people.

We started with customer services and sales, but then we went right up the value ladder. And we were doing everything from marketing, marketing, strategy, web design, you know, operations, HR, everything within that organization could be executed as efficiently as it could within central London.

That’s my introduction, I saw the power of outsourcing there. You know, the significant hook is that these resources in the Philippines are incredible, well qualified, highly capable and highly eager people that for approximately 80% discount to the salaries that you’d be paying in the West. It’s pretty significant.

Dan Kuschell: 80% discount, right. And you know, as you’re listening right now, as you’re watching, maybe you’ve tried outsourcing, maybe you’ve tried hiring, maybe it’s work, maybe it hasn’t worked, maybe it’s been a little bit fragmented, and you haven’t felt like it’s gotten you the results you want it?

Well, you’re going to want to stick around for what Derek has to shake because he’s got a lot of insight and wisdom being one of the largest outsourcers in the world today. So Derek, speaking of that, speaking to that elephant the room of people who probably tried outsourcing or been interested in it and you know, just haven’t been able to get it exactly right.

What do you see or some of the biggest mistakes that most people make when they’re looking to outsource or in the process of outsourcing?

Derek Gallimore: Outsourcing is a very broad definition. It’s a very sort of multi defined tool. A lot of people are aware of outsourcing in terms of the Tim Ferriss model in terms of virtual assistants in terms of up work and freelancer, I am on a bit of a mission to let people know that that stuff is fine.

There is a better option out there, professionalized outsourcing, where there’s dedicated staffing to you, where they come into your organization, and you know, they are just an employee. And I want people to think more of outsourcing, just as employment except they are sitting remotely to where you are and where your offices and if you look beyond the more basic platforms.

Upwork has a lot of sort of disappointment, a lot of kissing a lot of frogs and but it really is, you know, the equivalent of maybe outsourcing versus freelancing is like going down to Central Park in New York trying to find someone there to help you out with a project and it’s probably got a long beard and sleeping outside versus going down to Wall Street to a professional services firm, you know, that you will be looked after, and that they have the executive knowledge and experience to drive your company forward.

It’s the difference between lightened day and still, even when engaging with a professional services firm with a BPO with maybe, you know, 5 to 20,000 staff that are experts in helping build organisational structures, you will still be saving 70% so you know that that is the attraction of going down, the more formalized professionalized route of outsourcing.

Dan Kuschell: Now, I don’t want to assume people know what BPO stands for. So you brought that up? BPO? What is it BPO? So everybody has clarity around that.

Derek Gallimore: The BPO The industry is broadly called Business Process Outsourcing. So historically, when a big company would maybe come over and have their customer service or call center, outsource, that is one business process, it would be sort of cut out of the organization and paste overseas.

Now, that’s a bit of a historic model, that BPO is broadly what the industry is referred to here. And then the outsourcing suppliers are often referred to as BPO.

Dan Kuschell: So let’s speak to the next elephant in the room that I think of as you described this, you know, as our listeners, who I communicate, I mean, literally working with thousands and thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners over the last, you know, decade or more that we hear is you know, okay, we can go get an A freelance outsource or single person, right, I may have to kiss a lot of frogs, but you know, it’s within a risk factor.

Whereas wow, you know, hiring a full-service professional organization sounds like a pretty large commitment, what would you say to speak to that elephant in the room to ease, you know, that pain or the potential risk?

Outsourcing suppliers

Derek Gallimore: The outsourcing suppliers now are very comfortable and very familiar with working with the needs of small and medium-sized businesses. So they are as flexible as you require we suggest that you take someone for a minimum of one full-time person allocation.

The reason for that is not the logistics of working with outsourcing supplier, but that person then is dedicated to your organization and you get a 10 x return on the investment you put into that person investment being the cultural onboarding, getting them aligned with your mission, and then getting them excited to come to work.

We recommend that you start with one person, you explore outsourcing and the sort of learn the processes of outsourcing so that you can manage people effectively remotely, and then you can build your team from there.

Dan Kuschell: And as you’re listening right now, what would have to happen for you too, you know, hire a full-time person, like, you know, what’s the cost of a miss hire in traditional cost sense in your organization right now? Well, if you hear what Derek is saying you can bring on a full-time person for about 20% of what normal pay would be considered like in US rates, right?

How would you like to decrease your risk, increase your ROI, and be able to protect yourself that if it doesn’t work? You know, Derek, what happens? Like when you work with a professional service, where let’s say I hire somebody through that process, or the process you recommend, and they’re not a good fit? What do I do that?

Derek Gallimore: This will happen, you’ve got to understand that, that outsourcing supplier, they’re in the business of people of recruitment of HR, so they are specialists in getting you the right fit at the right person. Now, in the US, for example, if you want to recruit someone, it’s either a bit of a pain in the neck, or you’ve got to pay a recruiter maybe 15% of the annual salary, then, of course, you have to house that employee.

In the office space, there’s a lot of additional costs with outsourcing. There’s one fee that goes to the outsourced supplier, and then the salary that goes to your staff member, the salary, there is no commission, no one makes any money on that it’s completely transparent. So the fee that goes to the outsourcing supplier provides you with their expert account management, it provides you with HR and all of the recruitment process, including their expertise in that recruitment process.

Plus, of course, all of the great facilities, the hardware, the Internet, and all of the government contributions for that person. So in terms of recruitment, again, it’s very similar to employment, they will short this to people for you, they will do a lot of the recruitment legwork, you can then put in of course, you put in your job specification and requirements, then you can go in for second or third round interviews, make them do test, things like that, so that you are completely at ease and comfortable and excited about that staff member.

And then you give them the nod, and you bring them on board. Again, like employment, there are aspects where sometimes it’s not a or the person doesn’t work out. And again, the outsourcing supplier will work with you to onboard that person, find a new person upscale that person and just work through it as you would with an employment environment that you are more protected.

Because you are going you are effectively contracting to the outsourcing supplier so that there’s a lot more latitude in terms of you know how you deal with individual workers.

Dan Kuschell: So if you’ve ever wanted to be in a place where you could get great talent for 80% savings, also have an account manager that acts as your HR service to help recruits if sort screen filter creator right fit. If you don’t have the right fit, you’ll find another right fit.

If you’ve ever wanted to have the ability to work with a group to be able to do that when we come back, we’re going to take a deeper dive into what you can do to make that happen because there are dozens of ways to do it wrong. And a couple of ways to do it right.

When we come back, we’re going to dive deeper with outsourcing, how you can outsource how you can attract keep and develop talent, your business to help you grow and scale with less stress, and less overall cost that and a whole lot more coming up on growthtofreedom.com with Derek Gallimore.

Dan Kuschell: Welcome back to growth to freedom. Now, Derek, you’ve had this business journey. And we talked about it in your opening you’ve built you know, $20 million businesses, you know, properties. And then you said seen it all come crashing.

So you’ve had this amazing success, you’ve learned how to outsource, you’ve learned a process. Of course, in hiring and recruiting and developing talent, we’re going to get into some of those strategies in a few minutes.

Talk about your lowest point in business, maybe your biggest mistake in that lowest point that you had made, and what you learn from it, that maybe our viewers and our listeners might be able to learn from it to

Derek Gallimore: Sure, I had, you know, a very uncomfortable situation where I had to close down the company that I built to 20 million revenues, I bootstrapped this company, we had 250 properties in central London, you know, and this is a big organization with about 80 people, I ended up winding that down, it was in the corporate housing space and effectively our revenues went from 3x about cost to about 1.7x of our costs because of margin compression and hyper-competition within the London market.

Now, you know, I realized what I realized from that is we’re running an incredibly efficient business, but we couldn’t outrun the evolution of the market. You know, I believe in radical responsibility. I was at the helm, and I was responsible for navigating this business.

But you know, I found that just some things run away. And it’s the difficulty in navigating that, you know, is kind of central to the outcome when I’m in a bit like that. But from that, you know, I’ve done I mean, that was about sort of three years ago now. And I’ve done a huge amount of reflection. And I think really, it’s there are so many factors involved.

It’s difficult to kind of split out the factors, as I know more about business, you know, and I’ve been in business 25 years now, I realized how many variables are involved. It’s almost like a poker game, you know, the world’s best poker players are right, only 52% of the time. And it’s about having the slightly better odds over the large number of hands and being very strategic, and of course, being very good at that.

But it’s really, entrepreneurship business is a heady mix of both random occurrences, heavy, heavy strategy, execution, you know, and then a lot of external factors as well. So multifactorial, I hope I’m not being too vain.

Dan Kuschell: I mean, a friend of mine, in real estate, his name is Dean Graziosi I have often heard him say that you know, you need stamina, you need marketing, stamina, if you can have stamina, you know, many times stamina will win in any business culture, and lots of factors can take us out. Luck plays a big factor in success in business.

I mean, I, you know, I know people don’t want to hear that. And people would say, Oh, I create my destiny, what you do, you create your luck, you create your breaks, but there’s a certain factor of luck, because, you know, there are certain things that shift, there are certain things that change, you know, big companies come in and you know, come in and eat up a market and let you know, a lot of things that we just aren’t aware of.

I can understand like for you, you know, as you’ve worked, not only yourself, you’ve worked through this process to rebound to recover, you call I like that term radical responsibility, right? What would you say are like 123, big breakthroughs that you’ve discovered, you know, for you, Derek and your company and your end, or your clients that you’ve worked with over the last six to 12 months? What are 123 breakthroughs that you found to be those needle movers to get to that next level?

Derek Gallimore: I mean people that are sort of in the smaller end of the business, I think that there’s this very scary leap. And it’s quite lumpy in business, that you need to start building up your systems. And you need to start investing in the business beyond potentially even the revenues that you’re generating now.

But without that you can’t progress to the next stage, you have a lot of smaller businesses that are existing without too much conscious structure, without too much process mapping. And, you know, I find that a business really starts to mature and then is enabled to scale, once these processes are sort of consciously acknowledged, and mapped.

And then you decide how to scale those activities, you know, and we see a lot of businesses overcoming over to the Philippines, they think that they are highly sophisticated, and they can show you know, a developing nation, how this thing of businesses done, and then they come to the Philippines and realize actually, everything is map their KPIs for things, processes, to sort of laid out in front of you this training, this QA, all of these layers on top of something that in the West is commonly just kind of, you know, done ad hoc.

So there’s an incredible insight when people come over here, they’re actually these processes can be matured, and then scale. And then that enables people to take their business to the next step. One of the other major things as well as access to highly qualified human resources. Now, there’s a labor shortage in every major country, especially of the, you know, highly skilled, highly qualified to labor. And of course, that is one of the major expenses on any pnl.

So the awareness that there is this opportunity to access cheaper, more abundant, highly qualified staffing, if you look at the world global marketplace, instead of your localized marketplace, where there is quite a restriction in terms of supply. So it’s a big world out there, there are still about 4 billion people on under $1 a day.

The Philippines, for example, is producing about 600,000 university graduates per month, highly qualified, highly eager, and willing to work for a significantly discounted salary to that of people in the US.

Dan Kuschell: If I hear you correctly, it’s investing in your business, have a process, develop a process, refine the process, and you can actually get great talent for less right great staff for less if you know, the steps to be able to take now what would you say would be, you know, the top couple steps somebody could take or should take to get it right the first time in outsourcing.

How to start with outsourcing?

Derek Gallimore: There are a few exercises I can take people through. But effectively it’s about establishing what is the core value out of your business? What are the core competencies of your business? And what are your core focus of your business? Okay? And once you establish exactly what they are, then establish equally, what a non-core what a non-value, what a low value, what an exemplary task to your business.

Then you can start to separate those from the core activities. So usually, you know, we have business owners that are charging out at 1000 or $2,000 a day. And then they spend one day a month doing the invoicing, they do one day a month doing payroll.

It’s about getting to these very sophisticated people and telling them that there are better processes that they can focus on that can bring them more into the high venue areas of their business and allow them to concentrate on that, while the other more external processes are reducing costs and then scalable.

Dan Kuschell: So repeat those three, it was what are your core value competencies? And then you said two more. And frankly, I didn’t catch those.

Derek Gallimore: Sure, show it. So what are your core competencies? What are the high-value aspects of your business? What are the sort of Central factors of your business, it’s just spitting out, you know, what is essential to be kept in the core. And then what else is exhilarating to the true core of your business, both in terms of activities, client expectations, but also in terms of skills and value add.

Dan Kuschell: As you’re listening right now, like what would happen for you, if you were investing more in your business, you had better processes, you were able to actually acquire and keep talent for less, right that you were able to systematize your processes, you know, truly identify and tune in like, what are your core value competencies?

What is your high-value result? outcome predictors? What are your low value, right? Because obviously, the more time you spend in your high-value areas, and the less time you spend in your low value or have others handling that, what does that do for you? It creates freedom, doesn’t it? It creates freedom, what would that be worth for you? Right? What would that be worth to you today?

What would it be worth to you in three months, six months a year from now, ideally, you start to get a glimpse and a snapshot of how the psychology of outsourcing and doing it with a professional organization can help you. So, Derek, this is fascinating. And I can’t imagine like when and if an owner, you know, I’ve used outsourcing for years, you know, I’ve been outsourcing for almost 20 years different components of my businesses.

I’ve had some full time in the house, I’ve outsourced a lot of stuff. I’ve done it wrong a lot. I’ve done it right a few times. And you know, I love the idea of being able to build a virtual business and a virtual team, right? What would you say to somebody that, you know, says, you know, it’s hard to build a virtual team and get them connected to my core values when they’re virtual? Because that’s a pretty common thing that we hear. So what would you say to speak to that?

Derek Gallimore: Absolutely and I agree with you. To be honest, I think especially with people working remotely, they must be more tied into the values and the mission of the company and understand the company product and are also passionate and loyal about that themselves.

While I encourage outsourcing, I don’t necessarily encourage random remote working. Again, I believe that there’s immense value and outside soon to the Philippines, because you can visit them 90% 70% discount their bit, get them all into one office in the Philippines, ideally in Manila, where they turn up at 9 am to the water cooler, they know all of their colleagues, they can start building their own culture within the culture.

That starts to develop the organizational knowledge, intelligence, and sort of momentum of the structure. Now these things can be transferred very easily, you just need to spend a little bit of time with them, show them the corporate video shown the website, the founder or CEO or whoever’s in charge of the staffing, just you know, sit down, talk with them Skype calls, and then before you know it, you know the culture will be transferred.

Then if there’s a critical mass of people sitting in an office in Manila, for example, as they bring on your team members, new staff, you will be surprised at how they just start to create and adopt their own culture which replicates the mothership, so to speak.

Dan Kuschell: It’s all about building that mothership in that man, it’s so critical to stay connected to create the tools. You know whether it’s doing a video week to help your team stay connected. I mean, little things like that make such a big difference when you’re building a virtual team.

It’s much easier than you and I’ve been led to believe as well. As long as you make it a practice to stay in connection. Stay in communication with them. Now, Derek, as we come down the homestretch here, you’ve shared a lot of great wisdom in a short period, like, What’s something I should have asked you that I hadn’t yet?

Derek Gallimore: That’s a tough question, maybe, you know, how do people get started? What is the on-ramp? You know, because I sort of feel that people kind of feel it’s a good idea, but aren’t sure how to get started? And that’s kind of what we are channeling that

Dan Kuschell: Walk us through it.

Derek Gallimore: Let’s go through that. So yeah, so outsourcing it can be a little bit daunting, you’re typically outsourcing to an emerging economy. And there’s fear and uncertainty about that. And how do you manage people? And how do you know that they are working? How do you know that it’s secure, you know, all of these things work, we can work with you?

We are the world’s biggest outsourcing marketplace, that we can sit down with you and help build comfort, build understanding, and get you in contact with outsourcing management owners so that you are comfortable with the concept, you are familiar with the concept and then you can just start moving forward. And whether you have one employee or 1000 employees right now, just start with one outsourced employee.

You will very quickly go up the sort of learning curve, the comfort curve, the understanding curve of what outsourcing is. And then once you get started, you will never look back It is just dipping your toe in getting to that stage we were you comfortable enough to give it a go. And then you know, people never looked back.

Dan Kuschell: What are some of the things that people may be misunderstood about what they could outsource or not outsource? You know, can I outsource sales? Can I outsource my marketing department? Can I outsource copywriting? Can I outsource the building site?

What are the things that people should probably get started with considering to outsource? What can they also and then like what is something that maybe what you’ve learned is a not to do in outsourcing?

What should you outsource?

Derek Gallimore: There are different types of outsourcing. So if you want a project down, you would not have those staff in the house because it’s a once-off like a website. If you’re a gardener, you don’t need a full web team the whole time. So that is a kind of project outsourcing.

That’s slightly different from what we are talking to the ongoing outsourcing, for example, is if you are a gardener, and you need a lead gen and sales team, then you would build and develop that sales trainer. But it’s also not to say that you can easily outsource your problems. So if you are finding something difficult within your business, it’s probably likely that the outsourcing team would also find difficulty.

Where the best quick wins are, is if you have back end processes, known court processes, things that you are doing regularly within your office is easily understood and mapped out. I start with that start with those roles such as payroll, HR, finances, bookkeeping is very easily done. Lead Generation, content creation, social media management, and all of these things that are sort of routine within your office. And you know, those processes inside out.

Now, push those over to an outsourced team or person, get comfortable with the concept of outsourcing realize the incredible savings and gains that you can make. And then go, Hey, if we can add these roles if we can add these processes, let’s test that and grow from there. And then you can kind of organically spread it to other aspects of your business.

This isn’t about, you know, sacking everyone in the US, this isn’t about job loss. This is actually about augmenting your team. And it’s about looking forward to how you can taxes business, make more profits, making more healthy business, contribute more towards your community towards paying taxes, and it’s a win-win. It’s the, you know, strategic and competitive advantages that you can access here.

Dan Kuschell: I love what you said there, there’s a lot of depth in the statement where you know, outsource your problems, right? Outsource a problem you already have, you’re likely going to continue to have a problem ism is my interpretation of that right? And you know, how many times as you’re listening right now, or you’re watching right now, if you have this grand idea, okay, I’ve got this problem in my business, I need x fixed, and you tried to outsource it, and yet the behavior repeats itself, right? Is it a people problem? Is that your problem? Or is it a process problem, chances are, it’s a process problem.

And when you solve the root of the issue, which is a process, which you know, taking radical responsibility personally about that process, get that solved. And now it makes it much simpler to outsource a lot, a lot of different aspects of your business and free yourself up where you don’t have to feel like you’re the chief cook and bottle washer anymore. When you actually can work on the business, you can work in your genius and work in your sweet spot and a whole lot more.

Now, as we wind up here, Derek, if people want to go deeper with you, where can they learn more about you get access to your resources? I know, I know, on your site, I had a chance in doing prep and research. You got this amazing outsource accelerator toolkit, that I mean what you know, talk about a wealth of wisdom. So how can people reach you? Where can they go? Where would you like them to go?

Derek Gallimore: Absolutely. Thank you. Its outsourceaccelerator.com is our website, we list 700 outsourcing suppliers on there, we have about 4000 pages of content. We have dozens of videos, we have podcast, interviews, and episodes, we have, as you said the tool kit which people can download. And we also offer source coach, which is ongoing outsourcing, support, and advisory. And that starts from just $49 per month, we are completely independent.

We are just here to help you with your outsourcing journey and how that can amplify your business. So it’s a must-have I believe that every business and there are not many businesses out there, I don’t think that can afford not to consider outsourcing for their business. It’s just you know, we have endless resources and get in there and have a look around and explore the outsourcing room.

Dan Kuschell: Yeah, it sounds like you’ve got your 10,000 hours behind you and your team, as well. As you know, if you’re listening or watching right now, maybe you struggled with outsourcing, maybe you’re looking for a new avenue of outsourcing, maybe you’re looking to free yourself from the chains of you having to be the one responsible for the outsourcing you like some assistance, you’d like some help you’d like some direction with a team that’s got experience doing it almost like a guide on the side or a co-pilot to your outsource team, your HR, your recruiting, training, development, all those sorts of things.

I encourage you to go check out with Derek’s put together, he’s got amazing resources available, you can go check it out at outsourcing accelerator. com that’s outsourceaccelerator.com We’ll have all the links, resources, the show notes are all going to be in the episode again, you can come back to this episode of growth to freedom.com/232. That’s growthtofreedom.com/232. Derek as we wind this down, what are 123 action steps that you hope our viewers or listeners take as a result of our time together today?

Derek Gallimore: Yeah, absolutely. I think the first step would just be exploring outsourcing for your business, the way that you can do that is really looking at what are a few non cores, known high value, but time expensive things that you are doing in your business and just look for an external results that can help you with that, so that you can start to scale your business so that you know you can look for more profits can build that business. So it’s just setting the steps for benefit business growth ready,

Dan Kuschell: I encourage you to take that step. I mean, if you want to, you know, put yourself in a position where you’ve got more freedom, where you’re working more on the business, right, you’re in your creative zone, your genius zone, you know, that sweet spot, so to speak, then I encourage you to go deeper with this idea of outsourcing even if you’ve done outsource, even if you’re darn good at it.

You can consider Derek a resource to help support you on the journey and leverage that right you’re outsourcing the idea of outsourcing to get it right, right. Because again, there are dozens of ways to do it wrong. Have you done it wrong, too? I know I’ve done it wrong. Well, there’s a couple of days there’s a lot of trial and error with it on this there is a learning curve. So that’s right.

Dan Kuschell: And so if you want to cut that curve down, you want to do with less stress and more freedom then go check out what Derek’s got it outsourceaccelerator.com, like the guy twist into some personal stuff there. You know, you’re a pretty fit guy, you’ve traveled the world. What’s something that most people don’t know about you?

Derek Gallimore: I don’t know. I try and also have radical honesty is around is radical responsibility. So I don’t necessarily but longevity, you know, maybe like a lot of people out there and podcasts. Well, I feel there’s a chance that we could live for a very long time. So I’m I’m personally hoping to live for about 140 years. And I’m laying the foundations now. So that you know that’s better back than not.

Dan Kuschel: A party like a rock star.

Derek Gallimore: No. Yeah. Embarrassingly early, waking up early, I do the whole meditation thing. I do the whole keto diet thing, gradual exercise, and just really excited about all of those sort of longevity treatments and things like that.

Dan Kuschell: What were you known for in a high school?

Derek Gallimore: What was I known for? I was never particularly sporty. But then actually, somehow, I got into bodybuilding and I became the national teenage bodybuilding champion for New Zealand. And that was certainly unexpected for me and most of my peers as well but that was a sort of kind of pivot earlier on in the peace.

Dan Kuschell: Nice. Now do most people know that you were a teenage bodybuilding champion,

Derek Gallimore: Though very few. And you know, to be honest, it was about 98. So it’s largely before the internet, so it’s not even that easy to find.

Dan Kuschell: That’s amazing. That’s amazing. Maybe we could put a bodybuilding picture of you in our show notes, and that sort of thing. What, you know, if you were advising your 25-year-old self, or 20-year-old self, what advice would you gave you that you would hope you would get?

Long-term outsourcing

Derek Gallimore: Yeah, I mean, this is probably a better way of answering the earlier question that I had, but it’s more, takes your time, builds solid foundations build a solid structure. Don’t be in such a rush to get there. And, you know, enjoy the ride as well and sort of build things for a longer-term mentality, as opposed to sort of, you know, all or nothing really, that’s definitely what I would advise myself now.

Dan Kuschel: And that’s wisdom you can take to the bank today, right here. Right now. I encourage you to take action with what Derek has been sharing with you consider outsourcing long term perspective, enjoy every moment in the ride. Because you get to choose whether it’s fun or not. Right, you can decide whether it’s more of it’s fun, or it’s more frustrating and hard, right? So you get the choice.

It’s a whole lot more fun when you make it fun. And that’s the key make it fun. And so I encourage you to take action with what Derek shares with you want to go deeper with as resources go check out outsourceaccelerator.com. Derek, it’s been a pleasure to have you with us on the show.

Seize the day, I would encourage you to take action. I’ve got three and a half pages of notes here. You know everything from invest in your business processes, staffing for less identify your core values, your high value, your low value, stay away from the low-value stuff, get more in your sweet spot in your genius.

Look at outsourcing as a way to do more with less right if you do it right. Maybe you look at working with a firm like Derek’s there’s a good chance if you do it right, you’re going to save 80% of traditional costs if you do it right.

What would that be worth the long term aspect of your business to give you an ability to be fluid and flexible as things go up and things go down? What would that do for you? Well, there’s a lot of wisdom here if you want to come back to this episode, I grab all the wisdom all the notes all the resources you can do that at growthtofreedom.com/232.

Derek Gallimore: Okay, I hope you enjoyed that. That was Dan Kuschell of the growth to freedom podcast if you want any of the show notes and go to outsourceaccelerator.com/258 and as always, if you want to ask us anything, then just drop us an email to [email protected]. See you next time.

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About Derek Gallimore

Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.

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